Results for 'Michaël Wilhelm Scheltema'

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  1.  9
    A Technical and Economic Review of Solar Hydrogen Production Technologies.Michael Fowler & Erik Wilhelm - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (4):278-287.
    Hydrogen energy systems are being developed to replace fossil fuels–based systems for transportation and stationary application. One of the challenges facing the widespread adoption of hydrogen as an energy vector is the lack of an efficient, economical, and sustainable method of hydrogen production. In the short term, hydrogen produced from fossil fuels will facilitate a transition to the hydrogen economy. In the long term, renewable hydrogen production methods will have to be adopted as resources become scarce, causing the price of (...)
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    Beschouwingen over de vooronderstellingen van ons denken over recht en staat.Michaël Wilhelm Scheltema - 1948 - Groningen,: J.B. Wolters.
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  3. Brill Online Books and Journals.Michael Tilly, Jürgen Von Kempski, Oded Heilbronner, Friedrich Wilhelm Kantzenbach & Bettina Kratz-Ritter - 1995 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 47 (4).
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    Hegel's Philosophy of Nature with Special Reference to Its Mechanics.Michael John Petry & Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1969
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    Notebooks, 1924-1954.Wilhelm Furtwängler & Michael Tanner - 1989
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    In praise of the representation theorem.Michael Frauchiger & Wilhelm K. Essler - 2008 - In W. K. Essler & M. Frauchiger (eds.), Representation, Evidence, and Justification: Themes From Suppes. Frankfort, Germany: Ontos Verlag. pp. 83-89.
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    Wissenschaft und Religion im Vormärz: der Briefwechsel Bernard Bolzanos mit Michael Josef Fesl, 1822-1848.Bernard Bolzano, Michael Josef Fesl, Eduard Winter & Wilhelm Zeil - 1965 - Akademie Verlag.
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  8. Philosophie der Subjektivität? Zur Bestimmung des Neuzeitlichen Philosophierens : Akten des 1. Kongresses der Internationalen Schelling-Gesellschaft 1989.Hans Michael Internationale Schelling-Gesellschaft, Wilhelm G. Baumgartner & Jacobs - 1993
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    J. G. Fichte: Bibliographie.Hans Michael Baumgartner & Wilhelm G. Jacobs (eds.) - 1968 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt,: F. Frommann.
    Inhalts: Vorwort. A. SCHRIFTEN FICHTES. I. Gesammelte Werke. II. Einzelausgaben. III. Fremdsprachige Ausgaben. B. LITERATUR ZU FICHTE. I. Publikationen zu Leben und Werk im allgemeinen. II. Untersuchungen zu einzelnen Sachgebieten. III. Fichte und andere Denker. C. REGISTER. ZEITSCHRIFTENVERZEICHNIS. NACHTRAG.
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    The Dawn of Tantra.Wilhelm Halbfass, Herbert V. Guenther, Chögyam Trungpa, Michael Kohn & Chogyam Trungpa - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):144.
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    Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke, Teil 7.Michael L. Walter, Friedrich Wilhelm & Jampa Losang Panglung - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (2):219.
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    Received by 1 November 1985.Daniel M. Hausman, Michael S. McPherson, James Luther Adams, Wilhelm Pauck, Roger-Lincoln Shinn, Julia Annas, Jonathan Barnes, Richard J. Bernstein, Paul Canick & Ronald Christenson - 1986 - Teaching Philosophy 9 (1).
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    Philosophy of Nature.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Michael John Petry - 1970 - Allen & Unwin.
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  14. Abstraction and Empathy a Contribution to the Psychology of Style /by Wilhelm Worringer ; Translated by Michael Bullock.Wilhelm Worringer - 1967 - International Universities Press.
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  15. Schellings Weg zur Freitheitsschrift. Legende und Wirklichkeit. Akten der Fachtagung der Internationalen Schelling-Gesellschaft 1992.Hans Michael Baumgartner & Wilhelm G. Jacobs - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (3):568-569.
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    R eflections on I ntellectual H istory S tatements 2010.David Katz, Michael Hunter, Theo Verbeek, Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann, Donald R. Kelley, Joseph Levine, Marta Fattori, Charles Webster & Constance Blackwell - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 16 (1):5-14.
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    Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Natur (1797).Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, Hans Michael Baumgartner, Irmgard Möller, Walter Schieche & Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften - 1994 - Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Hans Michael Baumgartner, Wilhelm G. Jacobs, Hermann Krings, Hermann Zeltner, Jörg Jantzen, Manfred Durner, Ives Radrizzani, Walter Schieche, Hartmut Buchner, Annemarie Pieper, Kai Torsten Kanz, Harald Korten, Paul Ziche, Patrick Leistner, Christoph Binkelmann, Christopher Arnold, Christian Danz, Michael Hackl & Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling.
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    Ankündigung eines Kolloquiums zur Erzählforschung 1980.Hans Michael Baumgartner, Wolfgang Haubrichs, Eberhard Lämmert, Hans-Jörg Neuschäfer, Jörn Rüsen & Wilhelm Voßkamp - 1979 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 53 (1):163-166.
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    Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling.Michael Vater - unknown
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  20. Wilhelm Dilthey und die Wissenschaft von der Dichtung.Michael Scherer - 1950 - München,:
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  21. Historich-Kritische Ausgabe. Reihe I: Werke; Band 1: Werke 1.Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, Hans Michael Baumgartner, Wilhelm G. Jacobs, Hermann Krings, Hermann Zeltner & Jörg Jantzen - 1978 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 32 (3):444-448.
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    Wilhelm Dilthey: the critique of historical reason.Michael Ermarth - 1978 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    Der Intellektuelle: Rolle, Funktion und Paradoxie: Festschrift für Michael Fischer zum 65. Geburtstag.Michael W. Fischer, Ilse Fischer & Ingeborg Schrems (eds.) - 2010 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    Diese Festschrift für Michael Fischer ist ein Patchwork und eine wunderbare Mischung aus Wissenschaft, Persönlichem, Freundschaft und Genuss. Sie setzt sich aus unterschiedlichen und vielseitigen Texten, Zeichnungen und Bildern zusammen, von Menschen, die ihn begleitet haben, manche viele Jahre, manche nur eine kurze, aber entscheidende Zeit. Studentinnen und Studenten, die von ihm gelernt haben, Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die mit ihm Ideen entwickelt, Projekte initiiert und geforscht haben, Freunden aus Kunst und Kultur, Theater, Oper und den Bühnen des Lebens, nämlich: Eric (...)
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    Die Gottesfrage in der Theologie Wilhelm Herrmanns.Michael Beintker - 1976 - Berlin: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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    Hegel's Philosophy of Nature.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Michael John tr Petry (eds.) - 1970 - New York,: Allen & Unwin Academic.
  26. August Wilhelm v. Schlegels aesthetische ansichten.Nicolaus Michael Pichtos - 1894 - Berlin: C. Vogt's buchdruckerei.
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    Mensch und Gesellschaft in der frühen Tiefenpsychologie: Politik bei Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler und Wilhelm Reich.Michael Girkinger - 2007 - Marburg: Tectum.
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    Geschichte - Gesellschaft - Geltung: Xxiii. Deutscher Kongress Für Philosophie 28. September - 2. Oktober 2014 an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Kolloquienbeiträge.Michael Quante (ed.) - 2016 - Meiner.
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  29. On language: On the diversity of human language construction and its influence on the mental development of the human species.Wilhelm Humboldt (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Wilhelm von Humboldt's classic study of human language was first published in 1836, as a general introduction to his three-volume treatise on the Kawi language of Java. It is the final statement of his lifelong study of the nature of language, exploring its universal structures and its relation to mind and culture. Empirically wide-ranging - Humboldt goes far beyond the Indo-European family of languages - it remains one of the most interesting and important attempts to draw philosophical conclusions from (...)
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    Hegel’s Dialectic and its Criticism.Michael Rosen - 1982 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hegel's philosophy has often been compared to a circle of circles: an ascending spiral to its admirers, but a vortex to its critics. The metaphor reflects Hegel's claim to offer a conception of philosophical reason so comprehensive as to include all others as partial forms of itself. It is a claim which faces the writer on Hegel with peculiar difficulties. Criticism, it would appear, can always be outflanked; criticism of the system can be turned back into criticism within the system. (...)
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    Die Konstitution der Ästhetik in Wilhelm Diltheys Philosophie.Michael Heinen - 1974 - Bonn: Bouvier.
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    Hegel's Philosophy of mind: being part three of the 'Encyclopaedia of the philosophical sciences' (1830).Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1971 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
    Hegel is an immensely important yet difficult philosopher. His Philosophy of Mind is one of the main pillars of his thought. Michael Inwood, highly respected for his previous work on Hegel, presents this central work to the modern reader in an accurate new translation supported by a philosophically sophisticated editorial introduction and elucidating scholarly commentary.
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    Foucault's Nietzschean Genealogy: Truth, Power, and the Subject.Michael Mahon - 1992 - State University of New York Press.
    Illuminates the influence of 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche on 20th-century French philosopher Michel Foucault, focusing on the notion of genealogy.
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    Erlebtes und Erkanntes.Wilhelm Max Wundt - 1920 - Stuttgart,: A. Kröner.
    Wilhelm Wundt: Erlebtes und Erkanntes Edition Holzinger. Taschenbuch Berliner Ausgabe, 2013 Vollständiger, durchgesehener Neusatz bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Michael Holzinger Erstdruck: Stuttgart Alfred Kröner) 1921. Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Wundt, Wilhelm: Erlebtes und Erkanntes. 2. Auflage, Stuttgart: Alfred Kröner, 1921. Herausgeber der Reihe: Michael Holzinger Reihengestaltung: Viktor Harvion.
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    Briefwechsel.Michael Hissmann - 2016 - Boston: De Gruyter. Edited by Hans-Peter Nowitzki.
    The Göttingen philosopher Michael Hissmann (1752-1784) has been the subject of considerable attention from historians of philosophy due to his materialistic positions. He conducted an extensive correspondence with friends and colleagues, including Christian Garve, Wilhelm Dohm, Franz von Irwing, and Jakob Mauvillon. Hissmann's recently discovered legacy now makes possible an extensive documentation of this correspondence.
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    Nietzsche's New Seas: Explorations in Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Politics.Michael Allen Gillespie & Tracy B. Strong (eds.) - 1988 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    _Nietzsche's New Seas_ makes available for the first time in English a representative sample of the best recent Nietzsche scholarship from Germany, France, and the United States. Michael Allen Gillespie and Tracy B. Strong have brought together scholars from a variety of disciplines—philosophy, history, literary criticism, and musicology—and from schools of thought that differ both methodologically and ideologically. The contributors—Karsten Harries, Robert Pippin, Eugen Fink, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Kurt Paul Janz, Sarah Kofman, Jean-Michel Rey, and the editors themselves—take a new approach (...)
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  37.  8
    Corpus Paracelsisticum: Dokumente frühneuzeitlicher Naturphilosophie in Deutschland.Wilhelm Kühlmann & Joachim Telle (eds.) - 2001 - Tübingen: Niemeyer.
    Der zweite Band des "Corpus Paracelsisticum" erschließt das weitläufige Oeuvre von Michael Toxites und Gerhard Dorn, wirkmächtige Gründergestalten des oberrheinischen Paracelsismus. Von da aus fällt der Blick quer über die Konfessionsgrenzen auf andere kulturelle Zentren in Bayern, Sachsen, Schlesien, Böhmen und am Niederrhein. Mit Verfassern wie G. Fedro, M. Ambrosius, L. Span, B. Flöter, G. Etschenreutter, B. Scultetus, P. Perna, Th. Zwinger und J. Albrecht eröffnet sich ein epochaler, äußerst weitläufiger Diskurszusammenhang. Der Band wird neben dem weiterführenden Kommentar begleitet von (...)
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  38. Nietzsche.Michael Tanner - 1995 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 9:179-180.
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    Hegel and Law.Michael Salter - 2003 - Routledge.
    With a selection of essays chosen from a wide range of possible candidates this collection strikes an optimal balance between direct relevance to controversies and rigorous contributions from Hegelian scholarship with regard to Hegel and the law.
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    Michael Lehmann: Leitfaden der Ostkirchen. Sammlung "Aus Christentum und Kultur". Verlag Brüder Hollinek, Wien 1969, 164 pp. [REVIEW]Wilhelm Kahle - 1972 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 24 (1):84-85.
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    Vor dem ,,Judenspiegel". Wilhelm Marr und die Juden in Hamburg.Michael Tilly - 2006 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 58 (1):1-15.
    The article examines the historical and cultural background for the blatantly anti-Jewish argumentation of the political agitator and writer William Marr in his programmatic pamphlet,,Der Judenspiegel". Attention will be paid in particular to the events and procedures within the contemporary Jewish community in Hamburg. The,,Judenspiegel" clearly exhibits the close relationship between the struggle for the equal civil rights of the German Jews and the development of the modern anti-Semitic ideology.
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    Jürgen Trabant: Weltansichten. Wilhelm von Humboldts Sprachprojekt.Michael Fuchs - 2014 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 67 (1):016-022.
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    Register zu Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: Mathematische Schriften und Der Briefwechsel mit Mathematikern . Joseph Ehrenfried Hofmann.Michael Mahoney - 1979 - Isis 70 (3):468-468.
  44. Against the Post-Kantian Interpretation of Hegel: A Study in Proto-Marxist Metaphysics.Michael Morris - 2018 - In Micheal J. Thompson (ed.), Hegel’s Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Politics. Routledge. pp. Ch.7.
    This chapter emphasizes four crucial differences that serve to distinguish the proto-Marxist interpretation from the standard post-Kantian framework. The first and foundational difference involves the existence of final causality or internal purposiveness in nature. The now-standard post-Kantian interpretation of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel presupposes Sellars's core distinction between the realm of "empirical description" and the "space of reasons", a distinction that necessarily presupposes the absence of final causality in nature. The proto-Marxist framework approaches Hegel as the first modern philosopher (...)
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    Self-Creation and History: Collingwood and Nietzsche on Conceptual Change.Michael Hinz - 1993 - Upa.
    In Self-Creation and History, Michael Hinz focuses on the works of Collingwood and Nietzsche, showing how each construes traditional problems in metaphysics as problems generated in history and through conceptual change.
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  46. Die Goldbrakteaten der Völkerwanderungszeit, 3/1: Ikonographischer Katalog (IK 3, Text), by Morten Axboe et al.; 3/2: Ikonographischer Katalog (IK 3, Tafeln), ed. Karl Hauck et al.(Münstersche Mittelalter-Schriften, 24/3.) Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 1989. 3/1: pp. 374; black-and-white figures, tables. 3/2: pp. xvii, 142; many black-and-white plates, tables. DM 380. [REVIEW]Michael J. Enright - 1992 - Speculum 67 (4):968-970.
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    Expulsion, compensation, and the legacy of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society.Michael Schüring - 2006 - Minerva 44 (3):307-324.
    This article examines the treatment accorded by the Max Planck Society to scientists who were dismissed from the Kaiser Wilhelm Society during the years of National Socialism, 1933–1945. Legal claims for compensation reveal a lack of understanding between the majority of German scientists and their persecuted colleagues after 1945. In respect to the Max Planck Society, they also reveal a lack of willingness to accept moral responsibility.
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  48. A Hegel dictionary.Michael Inwood (ed.) - 1992 - Oxford, OX, UK ;: Blackwell.
    This book provides a comprehensive survey of Hegel's philosophical thought via a systematic exploration of over 100 key terms, from `absolute' to `will'. By exploring both the etymological background of such terms and Hegel's particular use of them, Michael Inwood clarifies for the modern reader much that has been regarded as difficult and obscure in Hegel's work.
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  49. Hegel and Hermeneutics.Michael Baur - 2014 - In Baur Michael (ed.), G. W. F. Hegel: Key Concepts. New York: Routledge. pp. 208-221.
    Understood in its widest sense, the term “hermeneutics” can be taken to refer to the theory and/or practice of any interpretation aimed at uncovering the meaning of any expression, regardless of whether such expression was produced by a human or non-human source. Understood in a narrower sense, the term “hermeneutics” can be taken to refer to a particular stream of thought regarding the theory and/or practice of interpretation, developed mainly by German-speaking theorists from the late eighteenth through to the late (...)
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    Die Verwirklichung der Vernunft: zur Theorie-Praxis-Diskussion im Anschluss an Hegel.Michael Theunissen - 1970 - Mohr Siebeck.
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